Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Welcome to America...

Just because I'm sick of those, "Welcome To America, Now Speak English" bumper stickers....
Welcome To Americe / Now Speak Cherokee


At 9:42 PM, Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

Hey Weaseldog! Wassup? I lived in a neighbourhood in Brooklyn for awhile as a kid, where Italian was as common as Spanish is here, and lived awhile in a Montreal (QE) neighbourhood where French was the common language, even in the house where I stayed, and both of these place's where noted as English speaking, and of course in London (also noted for the English language) Arabic was very common around Londontown too. Of course you and I kow that Spanish is just as much a part of Texas culture too. Hope thing's are well for you Guy, I make it to Irving quite often, since my daughter's office is there. They have started up the new "Orange Line" DART, havent rode that one yet though.

Later Jack ....

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous edgar said...

Hello Weaseldog.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger trog69 said...

Good morning, sir. I am thrilled and impressed beyond measure, seeing your website still going strong! Bravo.

I hope this finds you doing well.

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Cirze said...

Love it!

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Clipping Path said...

Lovely blog. Thanks for sharing with us.This is so useful.


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