Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gettin' Stuff Done

I've been shoveling compost today. I have a garden area that I want to plant in it, more acid loving plants. Our soil is heavy in clay, so they don't do so well.

A few years back I tried an experiment with a garden bed of just building it up chopped twigs, branches and leaves. I put clay soil on top, that I had dug from another part of the yard.For the first two years it seemed to malinger. I didn't think it had worked out so well. Then suddenly the plants that had been struggling in this mix erupted into greenery and flowers. The mix had finally found an ecological balance.

I'm following a similar plan for a larger garden.

Here's a photo on the ongoing project as it was when I started...

And the compost pile I've been digging into...

And finally, after shoveling maybe 20 wheel barrel loads, it still looks about the same. :)

And the compost pile...

I'd finish today, but I'm going to see some friends' perform at a local house concert.

I am running out time if I want the upcoming rains to soak in before spring...


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous edgar said...


At 3:55 PM, Blogger Kitty said...

NICE chickens!!!!

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Weaseldog said...

Yeah, once my hens discovered that I was uncovering a lot of bugs, they were all under foot. :)

At 1:26 AM, Blogger Bukko Boomeranger said...

The perils of trying to compost when you rent where you live: I had dug up the flowers and turned the earth on a section of flowerbed in our yard where I had planned to grow food plants. I raked the fallen leaves from the big cherry tree onto it, and was turning them every week to speed decomposition. I didn't think they'd be broken down by spring, but I had another area where I could move the mess until it was more soil-like.

But the gardener who our landlord has to mow the lawn came to the house one day to whack back the dead vegetation, and he hauled off all my rotting leaves! And this week, the tenants who live in the basement prevailed upon the landlady to get a storage shed. And the workman who's putting it in placed it directly on top of the ground where I was going to plant potatoes! I can't bitch, because it's not my land, but day-um!

OT, I don't know how you feel about gold, but since you don't like Denninger, I thought you'd enjoy this gold-bug taking the piss at him (short YouTube)


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