Tuesday, September 06, 2005

We're With the Government, We're Here To Help You.

Is there a lesson in all that we’ve seen, in the acts and deeds of the Federal Government of late? Is there a clear and resounding message coming from the Bush administration and all levels of the Federal Government?

I think there is. From the Supreme Court’s recent eminent domain decision, to the new draconian bankruptcy laws, to thousands dead in New Orleans, and numerous other anti-citizen decisions, the message is clear.

And the message is, give us your money, the sweat of your brow, your lives, your love, your faith, your patriotism and don’t you dare ask for anything in return.

Through this crisis, we’ve learned that our Federal Government has slashed many more programs than many American could possibly be aware of. And yet, our taxes are relatively unchanged and the government is letting the deficit soar. Bush gave the middle class a what? $500/tax break while giving many substantial tax breaks, to the wealthiest Americans. Billions in subsidies to Exxon for instance.

Whether this trend is incompetence, negligence, indifferent neglect or an active movement to destroy the American way of life really doesn’t matter. What we need to understand is that the US government is done with returning value to its citizens, for our sacrifice in tax dollars. And doesn’t it make sense? The federal government likely earns more money through deficit spending, than it does from any other source. It’s a self sufficient entity that feeds on itself for sustenance.

And what does that mean for us, what should we do? Hell if I know. Waco and Ruby Ridge tell us that the Government is in no way going to let citizens stand up to it. So I guess all we can do is give the government money, while the government slashes reinvestment in the things that keep the US humming. If we get in trouble, then the message from the federal government is to, ‘Just Die’.

And I suppose with the specter of peak oil and the end of growth knocking on the door, this is the logical progression for a nation to take. In just a few short years, natural gas is going to make a dramatic decline in the US. With that, our ability to manufacture concrete will diminish with it. Construction all over the US will wind down to nothing. Many of our freeways will lie unfinished. What will the apologists and blamers of victims, be saying then? That our lack of faith in the Free Market, killed our God?

And finally it’s late, so I don’t know the answer and I’m hitting the hay rather than research it. But on which Presidential watches have more Americans died from war, disease or natural disasters, than on President Bush’s? Would Abraham Lincoln have that distinction? Let’s pray that Bush doesn’t beat him out over the next three years.

The latest rumor pertaining to Homeland Security, they are expecting 40,000 dead from Katrina.


At 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have a great eloquence for saying many of the important things that need to be said. We have become slaves to a fascist corporate-political empire without even looking up. "Just Die" is our new slogan, both domestically and internationally. fits right in with PO and overpopulation...

well, it was fun! (or we can at least pretend). i think laughing is the only way to keep sane sometimes...


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