Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

I rarely do these end of the year posts. I think... Anyway I don't seem to remember making any sort of resolution to write them...

And to get the morbid stuff out of the way...

And no, Rush Limbaugh is not dead. And no I don't wish him dead, I just wish him to be cured of his sociopathy, or to drop off the air. That would be enough. and on the air apology for all the damage he's done to our Democracy would a nice touch. i'm find it hard to feel pity for him as Rush Limbaugh. As a human being, it's slightly easier.

We did lose a few folks in 2009.

Out of the celebrity pool, I'll be missing the following more than some.

Les Paul
Dom DeLouise
Koko Taylor
David Carradine
Bea Arthur
and Karl Malden

Robert MacNamara, may you rot in hell. (Not Kidding)...


And now I'd like to list all of the really cool and inspiring people born this year.... Oh wait, that list may have to wait until they are older! Doh!


And I guess i could make some predictions. But most seem too easy.

1. Stuff won't getting better.
2. Commercial defaults will hit the news.
3. More bailouts.
4. The Healthcare Plan will have members of both parties protesting.
5. Nancy Pelosi will chastise the liberals in her party.
6. Republicans will begin replacing democrats in House and Senate seats.
7. More bank failures.
8. The unemployment rate will increase.
9. The rate of increase in the national deficit will increase. (Second derivative... Pun intended)
10. The White House will again announce success in averting economic disaster.
11. The media will continue every month, to brag that stuff is getting better.
12. I'll have a bonanza of fresh eggs, beans, squash, grapes, cucumbers, artichokes, etc..., etc..., etc...

Don't let the Doom and Gloom crowd get you down though!

Whenever life gets you down Mrs. Brown
And things seem hard or tough
And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft.
And you feel you've had quite enough...

Get some gardening supplies out and start playing in the dirt. You'll feel all better.

And apologies to Monty Python...

Happy New Year!


At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RIP [Dr. Death] Steve Williams.

As for Rush Limbaugh, I don't necessarily wish death to him but the world will be a bit better off when he finally kicks.

Your predictions are a lead pipe cinch Weaseldog.

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RIP [Wayman Tisdale]. He was a better man than I.

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wease, Happy new year form ironic Brit. Check out line to last line for a sense of galatic futility!!!

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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